The New Zealand Microbiology Network releases Position Statements concerning important issues in diagnostic microbiology.


Joint position statement on the sale and use of rapid antigen-based sexually transmitted infection point of care tests for STIs

This is a joint position statement on behalf of the New Zealand Point of Care Testing Advisory Group, the NZMN, the New Zealand Sexual Health Society NZSHS, the Northern Region Point of Care Testing Network and the New Zealand branch of the Australasian Society for Infectious Diseases, on the sale and use of rapid antigen-based sexually transmitted infection point of care tests for chlamydia, gonorrhoea, and herpes.  There is also a plain language summary.

Joint Position Statement on the sale and use of rapid antigen-based sexually transmitted infection point of care tests for chlamydia, gonorrhoea, and herpes [PDF, 189 KB]

Plain language summary: POCTs for STIs [PDF, 168 KB]


Inclusion of clinical details on request forms

This document describes why the NZMN supports the inclusion of brief but appropriate clincal details on request forms for microbiology samples submitted to diagnostic laboratories.

 NZMN clinical details position statement [PDF, 447 KB]


STI screening in asymptomatic patients during cervical smear examination.

Laboratory screening for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is often performed routinely as part of a cervical smear examination. This position outlines the potential risks of such an approach, and how such testing should only be performed where clear risk factors are present.

NZMN position statement STI testing cervical smear [PDF, 243 KB]


Laboratory processing of vaginal swabs in asymptomatic patients.

Laboratory processing of vaginal swabs is generally of little value in patients who are asymptomatic, or where the clinical history is unknown. Such practice may give misleading results, which in turn leads to inappropriate treatment. This position statement outlines the details and potential exceptions around such a policy.

NZMN position statement laboratory processing vaginal swabs [PDF, 295 KB]


Responsibilities of the reference and referring laboratory

Communication guidelines for laboratories referring or receiving clinical specimens for diagnostic testing.

Responsibilities of the reference and referring laboratories [PDF, 416 KB]


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