Choosing wisely is a global quality improvement initiative aimed at reducing unnecesary and inappropriate clinical interventions and improving outcomes for patients. It is intended to create a culture of evidence based best practice.

Choosing wisely has already involved multiple specialist organisations and institutions worldwide. It aims to involve both the specialist and the consumer in the debate and the decisions regarding optimal clinical interventions.

The New Zealand Microbiology Network supports the Choosing Wisely campaign and in 2019 launched a list of urine testing recommendations(external link).


Choosing Wisely NZMN Recommendations


Clinical acceptance criteria for extended respiratory multiplex viral panels [PDF, 246 KB]


Infectious Serology/Antigen Testing [PDF, 609 KB] 


Choosing Wisely Position Statements

 The NZMN has already published a number of position statements with a Choosing Wisely theme. Click on the Position Statements page for full details.


Choosing Wisely Links

Choosing Wisely New Zealand(external link)

Choosing Wisely Australia(external link)

Choosing Wisely USA(external link)

Choosing Wisely RCPA(external link)

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